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We are pleased to introduce the fourth issue of the Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education. Current issue is composed of five research papers and two PBL cases. These address different aspects of PBL in higher education as and represent an international experiences and knowledge with contributions from Brazil, Denmark, Germany and Morocco. The first three papers and the two cases touch upon the role of the teacher in facilitating
problem based learning processes. These papers address the complex questions of how teachers can actually implement and teach PBL to students. The fourth paper reports on students‟ attitudes towards different types of exams (e.g. individual exams and group exams) in two engineering programs at Aalborg University. The fifth paper compares three different learning designs in an introductory computer science course on programming. The current
issue explores a diverse set of aspects related to research in Problem Based Learning: teachers and supervisors roles, implementation of PBL curricular, assessment formats supporting PBL and new advances in combining technology and PBL.
TidsskriftJournal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)I-VI
StatusUdgivet - 17 dec. 2015
