Exploring the Dialogic Space of a game Elicitation Interview with Fifth Grade math Students

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This study is a preliminary analysis of video data of fifth-grade students participating in a research project (GBL21, https://gbl21.aau.dk/) that use design thinking for teaching through game design in mathematics. It is part of a PhD project exploring game-based learning (GBL) in mathematics education in middle school (students aged 10-14). We use material dialogic learning theory and domain theory to understand how domain specific framings emerge and how game materials are enacted by participants in a game elicitation interview. We propose this form of interview as a way to develop photo and video elicitation methods to be used with games as well. The interview consists of a playtest where a student-designed game is played by the designing students and an interviewer. The interviewer will use the playtest and the game as an elicitation
device to discuss occurring situations and question students’ reasons and behaviour. Because the students are still novices in the game mechanics of their design and because the interviewer asks mathematics domain specific questions, we approach the game elicitation interview as a game-based learning scenario. Our material focus of the analysis is the dice which we find to be involved in specific forms of agency that either widen or deepen the dialogic space. Further, we identify interactions that refer to specific domain framings and discuss how these could have practical implications for GBL didactics. We discuss how the interaction of the dice, the students and the interviewer are enacted, and how the movement of the dice influences on widening or deepening of the dialogical space. Engaging in a game play situation with the students through a game elicitation interview is discussed as a dialogic space, which may unfold detailed reflections on students’ approaches to the game and understanding of the subject of mathematics.
TitelProceedings of the 14th International Conference on Game Based Learning ECGBL 2020
Antal sider9
ForlagAcademic Conferences and Publishing International
Publikationsdatosep. 2020
ISBN (Trykt)9781713819684
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2020
Begivenhed14th European Conference on Game Based Learning, ECGBL 2020 - Virtual, Online
Varighed: 24 sep. 202025 sep. 2020


Konference14th European Conference on Game Based Learning, ECGBL 2020
ByVirtual, Online
NavnAcademic Bookshop Proceedings Series


  • Dialogic Space
  • Game elicitation interview
  • student game design
  • Game-based Learning
  • Domain theory
  • Mathematics Education
