Reducing diagnostic uncertainty using credible explanations – is it possible to explain the unexplainable?

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragKonferenceoplæg


Vi er glade for at byde velkommen til Chris Djurtoft, PhD-studerende og fysioterapeut. Chris er tilknyttet Center for Almen Medicin ved Aalborg Universitet. Her er kort om, hvad Chris skal præsentere:

In the complex landscape of healthcare, the pervasive issue of perceived diagnostic uncertainty poses a significant challenge for clinicians and individuals to comprehend one's pain condition, leaving people in pain grappling with the fundamental question of "what's wrong with me.". Recent years have witnessed a surge in research shedding light on the intricate dynamics of pain communication, particularly emphasizing the way we talk about pain complaints and how these are interpreted by people in pain; clinicians struggle to effectively communicate the cause of pain, which often clash with patient' preexisting beliefs.

Chris will share insights of his research on developing credible explanations for longstanding pain conditions. He will draw on research covering the complexities of diagnostic uncertainty and address issues and opportunities related to this phenomenon. Chris has frequently employed participatory research designs and will highlight why this is crucial in the field of pain.
Periode19 apr. 2024
BegivenhedstitelMoving on With Pain (MoWP2024): Dansk Selskab for Smerte og Fysioterapi:
PlaceringAarhus, DanmarkVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseNational