High- vs. low-dose diclofenac and cardiovascular risks: a target trial emulation

Morten Schmidt*, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Ellen-Margrethe Hauge, Henrik Toft Sørensen, Lars Pedersen


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Aims: To examine the dose-dependency of diclofenac's cardiovascular risks.

Methods and results: Using Danish health registries and the target trial emulation design, we conducted a series of 300 nationwide cohort studies during 1996-2020, each mimicking the strict design criteria of a clinical trial. Adults eligible for inclusion had no recent NSAID prescriptions, contraindications (gastrointestinal diseases, thrombocytopenia, or heart failure), or conditions with low adherence (dementia or psychiatric disease). Diclofenac initiators were compared to healthcare-seeking non-initiators and head-to-head using an approximated high dose of ≥150 mg/day vs. low dose of
Conclusions: Initiators of high- and low-dose diclofenac had comparable increased cardiovascular risks. This finding provides evidence against the assumption that low-dose diclofenac is risk-neutral.
TidsskriftEuropean Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)453-461
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 1 aug. 2023

Bibliografisk note

© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology.


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