Active Damping for Dynamic Improvement of Multiple Grid-Tied Virtual Synchronous Generators

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To eliminate low-frequency oscillations, this article proposes an active-damping method for multiple grid-tied virtual synchronous generators (VSGs) in a power plant. First, using Lyapunov's indirect method, the damping ratio of multiple VSGs in parallel is analyzed. The average damping ratio reveals that this multi-VSG power plant can be poorly damped in a wide range of inertia and damping settings. Then, self- and mutual-damping controllers are developed to suppress self- and mutually induced low-frequency power oscillations, respectively. For practical implementation, an adaptive tuning algorithm that enables automatic realization is proposed. Through a reassessment, a remarkable damping-ratio improvement is validated. Moreover, the inertial response improvement is validated by the frequency response analysis. Finally, simulations in Digsilent/PowerFactory and experiments are performed to demonstrate the accuracy of the analyses and the effectiveness of the proposed method.

TidsskriftIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)3673-3683
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 1 apr. 2024

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