The Nordic Network for Penal Voluntary Sector Research

  • Olesen, Annette (Projektdeltager)
  • Bäcklin, Emy (Projektansøger)
  • Helminen, Maija (Projektdeltager)



The penal voluntary sector (PVS) encompasses the diversity of non-profit, non-statutory organizations, groups and individuals that support criminalized individuals, crime victims, and their families. The PVS is largely under-researched and little is known about this sectors’ impact on the criminal justice system in the Nordic countries.

The objectives of the working group are to map out the Nordic PVSs and find common grounds for collaborations to develop the Nordic PVS research field. During the meetings, we will discuss, compare and familiarize with the PVSs in the Nordic countries in order to understand the similarities and differences, and
locate areas where more research is needed.

We will also identify PVS researchers from the Nordic countries and build a Nordic research network. The network aims to connect researchers from different disciplines, and possibly practitioners, correctional services, policy makers, and persons with lived experience, from the Nordic countries that share an interest in the Nordic PVS field, and inspire co-projects
Effektiv start/slut dato01/04/202201/04/2023


  • Department of Social Work & Criminology, University of Gävle (leder)
  • Turku Law School, University of Turku


  • Nordic Research Counsil for Criminology: 47.370,00 kr.
  • Nordic Penal Voluntary Sector Seminar

    Annette Olesen (Deltager), Maija Helminen (Deltager) & Emy Bäcklin (Deltager)

    22 aug. 202224 aug. 2022

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i workshop, kursus, seminar, udstilling eller lignende