

The primary objective of The Nordic Centre for Comparative and International Family Law (NorFam) is to be a focal point for comparative and international research in the Nordic Countries in the areas of Family Law as well as in related areas such as Succession Law, Private International Law and Medical Law. While physically and administratively based at Aalborg University under the directorship of Prof Jens M. Scherpe, its membership will extend to scholars from all Nordic jurisdictions (comprising Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands and Greenland and the autonomous region of Åland).

Nordic legal scholarship often is underrepresented in the international debates, despite the fact that the Nordic jurisdictions and societies frequently have been (and still are) in the vanguard of many societal and legal developments (e.g. gender equality, recognition of same-sex relationships and cohabitation). NorFam will bring together scholars from all Nordic jurisdictions for joint projects and publications in the English language. Its mission is to make Nordic law and Nordic legal scholarship available and accessible globally, thus adding a Nordic dimension to international and comparative debates. Another core aim of NorFam is to provide in-depth comparative research for law reform discussions within the Nordic Countries and beyond.


Jens M. Scherpe (Aalborg University) 


Advisory Board

Corresponding Members

International Corresponding Members


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